CSR : Corporate Social Responsibility
CSR : Corporate Social Responsibility
AGS Global Solutions – Netherlands supports Planet Urgence. For each home move we provide, Planet Urgence plants a tree. We consider this a crucial way of improving the environment for people living in vulnerable regions.
What does Planet Urgence do?
Planet Urgence aims to strengthen local communities while at the same time protecting nature. By sharing knowledge, educating people and receiving technical support, whole groups of people are given new chances. Planet Urgence offers help to these people by transferring local knowledge. Local partners are provided with support in the long-term. In addition, donations are made for projects in which natural environments can be restored, by planting trees and repairing the ecosystem, for example.
How does Planet Urgence manage this?
Planet Urgence offers help in three ways:
1. Protecting and promoting the natural environment.
Vulnerable groups are finding that their natural environments are being put under increasing pressure. By planting trees, these habitats are provided with additional flora, meaning that the ecosystem can be better maintained.
2. Education for adults.
People often have no access to education, which stagnates their development. Local initiatives and professionals are supported by training provided in order to fill in the knowledge gap. This is a better way in which any cash donations can be more effectively spent.
3. Education for children.
Education and culture are seen as the most important pillars for child development. For this reason, Planet Urgence works with educational institutions and cultural centres in these countries to help children to be better able to develop.
Our NobleCare Corporate Social Responsibility
Planet Urgence is part of our NobleCare CSR Policy. You can read our NobleCare policy here.